France Sclérose en plaques - EMERGENCE NEW TEAM CALL

Statut :
En cours
Ouverture :
15 oct. 2024
Clôture :
31 mars 2025

The 'EMERGENCE' call for research proposals is intended to support, over a period of 3 years a young researcher (CR/DR Inserm or CNRS or other French Institution), teacher in a French University (MCU/PU), clinician-scientist (MCU-PH/PU-PH), French or not, wishing to set up in France a new independent or autonomous group to develop an original clinical or fundamental research project on MS or associated disorders. The allocated budget will support the creation and development of the research group, as operating credits, small equipment and / or contract salaries. The allocated budget will be 150 k € per year for 3 years.

Voir l'appel sur le site du partenaire :